I decided to create a mock up of some credits that we could potenially use. I say potentially use but the thought never crossed my mind that we would use them because I was trying to create them to look fancy and play around with the effects on sony vegas which is the editing software I have at home.
Half way through I decided I would use them as a DO NOT video in the creation of credits.
I made them look good so they could be used in the creation of other certian products with different requirments. But i also include some mistakes and left out some actors names.
Although I did leave out some names, consumers of the product would be unaware of this (unless it was a very well known main actor) but it is not the consumer that it would seem unprofeshinal to but the actors or technitions ...etc that were forgoten and worked hard aswell as giving their time to create the film.
Below is the video of the credits that we will not be using, because they do not fit the conventions of a steryotypical short film or feature length films credits as well as the mistakes they have within them and absence of actors.
Penumbra credits from Tom palmer on Vimeo.
After creating this video I created a list of everyone that featured within the film that we need to credit as well as a special thanks to Joel for letting us use his soundtrack. These will be the people that are credited within our film:
Starring:Toby Barrett
George Frost
Eloise Fitt
Supported by:
Martin Palmer
Anne Palmer
Lewis Surridge
Jonny Brown
Victoria Moore
Jamie Reeves
Alex Smith
Conor Murry
Libby O'leary
Daniel knights
Martin Cambell
Jordan Bezants
Lydia Earl
Ben Goulder
Jessica Mills
With special thanks to:
Joel Neilsen
James Wigger
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