Friday, September 10, 2010

Inspiration for our short film

These are the video's that show some very good camera shots which I would like to incorporate into our short film, the first video is from 'Awaydays' its about a two young boys who join a football gange and basically kich the living day lights out of other football gangs the film was just like any other football factory film, a bit repetative but there is a shot right at the end of the film which grabbed my attention i think it is a very artistic shot and with the long periode that the shot stays the same the audience has time to stop and think which i like very much. The shot is between 00:57 - 1:07 eventhough the shot isnt that long the slow motion of it makes it seem longer aswell as this it also has a dramatic effect upon the audience due to the extreame close up of his face bleeding and his pain within. which I really liked when I was watching the film so myself and Blaine would like to put our own artistic twist on the shot and use it within our film.This secound video is an extract from the film 'Funny games' and this film is very unique with its filming style, their are many static shots within the film which regualy exeed 30 secounds but they were all framed shots with no movement, sometimes no-one is in the shot and only background noise can be heard and sometimes the shot stays the same whilst the actors moves around within the same shot. I couldnt get enough of it when you cannot see a convisation but you can hear it especially when their is blood in the shot and they are talking about how they just killed someone. This just gripped me to the screen as i was constantly guessing and trying to hear things that the killers would say but i couldnt turn round and look agt them and in my oppinion this was simulating the kidnapped hostages who cannot move but are always trying to find some information to give them the upper hand. This shot is from 8:29 - 9:15

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